Montag, 16. Januar 2012

Romanian revolt after 22 years and one month

in urma cu 22 de ani aveam taman 22 de ani si ieseam la maximum de disperare si cu maxima buna credinta sa lupt si eu, cum puteam si cum stiam, pentru o schimbare radicala. Si a fost o schimbare radicala.
Dupa 20 de ani, am aflat ca, impreuna cu celelalte mii de oameni din Piata Universitatii si a Palatului Regal, am fost doar carne de tun menita sa acopere planul ticluit de comunistii care se pregateau sa preia puterea, sub o alta masca.
In urma cu 22 de ani, era final de decembrie si era o zi de primavara. Ninsoarea a venit mai tarziu, noi, cetatenii eram deja pe la casele noastre si dictatorul Ceausescu fusese omorat.

Acum e foarte frig afara, fulguieste pentru prima oara in Bucuresti, iarna aceasta. A patra zi de proteste. Aseara a fost prapad, miscarea a fost demontata de huligani. Petarde, pietre, bucati din trotuare aruncate, raniti, extrem de multa violenta.
Oare ce face Basescu? "Multi, dar prosti. Bai, ati terminat, gata? Hai gata, la culcare, ca mi-e somn. Cand veniti maine, sa nu mai faceti atata zgomot."
Da, extrem de multa durere si saracie si nemultumire, cu siguranta multi oameni au iesit de buna credinta. Dar eu tot la manipulare ma gandesc si neincrederea este cel mai mare dusman. Cine sunt huliganii si de ce s-au dezlantuit sambata si duminica seara, distrugand orice spirit civilizat de protest?
Acum, faza cu controlarea de catre jandarmi a persoanelor care vor sa intre in Piata Universitatii mi se pare foarte, foarte, foarte ciudat ..... Revolta controlata? De cine?
Ieri comentariile erau la un moment dat: ”Vai, ati incalcat legea, e protest neautorizat, nu aveti voie!” Baaaai, tu vorbesti serios????  Adica io vreau ca Basescu sau Boc sau X si Y sa-si dea demisia urgent si trebuie sa le cer permisiunea? Hm …. Pai parca e protest spontan, e revolta popular, nu demonstram ca sa ne construiti piste de biciclete prin oras!!!
Cat la suta e diversiune, cat la suta e strategoe, cat de multa realitate este in aceasta revolta, fara nici un fel de manipulare din afara? Sunt doar curioasa ..... Din cate stiu eu, daca identifici huligani la o activitate publica - pentru ca revolta este publica -, ii iei frumusel de-o aripa si ii tii in sediul politiei pentru intervalul orar in care activitatea respectiva - de protest, in cazul nostru - se desfasoara. Asa ai controlul asupra lor si evenimentul se poate desfasura la valoarea lui reala si naturala, fara intrusi disturbatori.
22 years ago I just was 22, with maximum of despair and maximum of good faith I went outside on the streets to fight. To fight in my way, as I could and as I knew, for a radical change. And …. we had a radical change after all.  After 20 years I had to learn that, along with the thousands of people in University Square and then in the Royal Palace Square, we were just cannon fodder meant to cover the plan of those communists who were preparing to overtake the power under a different mask.  

22 years ago was a warm dry end of December. Snow came later, as we, the population, after sleepless days and nights, were in our cold and dark homes. Ceausescu was killed.

Now it's very cold outside, some snow flakes are dancing over the crowd, some wind. The first snow in Bucharest. As in December 1989. Last night was the destruction, the spontaneous revolt of the population was dismissed by some hooligans.

Firecrackers, stones, pieces of pavement thrown through the air, injured people, very much violence. Too much violence.

I wonder what Basescu is doing. "Many, but stupid crowd. Hey, did you finish, ready? Come, go to bed now, I want to sleep. When you maybe return tomorrow, do not make so much noise anymore, come on!."

Yes, very much pain and poverty and discontent, certainly many people came out in good faith. But I cannot think to the manipulation and mistrust is the biggest enemy. Who are hooligans and why did they were unleashed on Saturday and Sunday night, destroying any civilized spirit of protest?
Now, the thing about the control at the University metro station. The gendarmes ask you to show your identiy card, otherwise you cannot enter the University Square. Is this a joke???? If I want to go there, I can go from anywhere else, I do not need to use the metro station, you idiots! It seems to me a lot to very, very, very strange ..... Controlled revolt? By whom?
Yesterday's comments were something like this: "Oh, you broke the law, is unauthorized protest, you are not allowed!" Heeey, wake up!!! Are you talking seriously?? I mean I want that Basescu and Boc or X and Y immediately resign and I have to ask for THEIR permission???? Come on!!!! Is this a spontaneous protest, a popular revolt OR we just came outside on the streets, in cold and dark, asking to build us some bike lanes around the city?!?!?!
How much is it diversion, how much is strategy, how much is for real an true protest, without any manipulation? I just wonder about it ….. So far I know, due to the European law, the hooligans can be retained by the police so that during the protest on streets they stay under official control. So the protests can develop in the natural way, without intrusion.

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